
Charlotte Child Custody Lawyer

A Law Firm That You Can Rely On.
Charlotte Child Custody Lawyer

Parents seeking a custody order often disagree on the best parenting schedule for their children. Fighting over custody can be one of the most emotional and stressful events you will ever experience, and it is critical to have an experienced and compassionate Charlotte child custody lawyer to advise and guide you through the process.

North Carolina law presumes it is in the best interests of a child to have a relationship with both parents. In most cases, the court will order a joint custody plan. However, there may be some situations where a joint plan is not the best fit for your family. In these scenarios, our dedicated legal team could help you pinpoint an alternate custody arrangement that best protects your child’s future. En Español

Resolving Custody Issues Through Mediation

In a contested custody case, state courts require parents to attempt mediation before asking the court to make a custody decision, per N.C.G.S. § 50-13.1. Mediation is a dispute-resolution process that encourages parents to reach an agreement with each other. During the process, parents meet with a trained mediator who serves as a neutral third party to help them try to agree on an ideal situation for their child or children. Neither parent is required to agree to anything at mediation, but an experienced family law mediator can be very effective at helping people reach sound compromises.

An effective mediator for a child custody dispute will be trained in family law and can help the parties understand what the court would likely do in their situation if they cannot agree. What makes mediation significant is that it puts the parents in control of their child’s custody arrangement. When parents can reach an agreement, even if it is a compromise, they are almost always happier with the outcome than when a judge dictates those decisions.

Another key purpose of mediation is to give parents the help they need to make an informed and responsible choice. The confidential setting of mediation helps parents resolve custody disputes in a largely stress-free environment. If you are considering mediation to handle your child custody dispute and you need assistance determining whether it would be beneficial, consider discussing this option with a knowledgeable lawyer in Charlotte.

The Best Interests of the Child

As previously discussed, state courts make custody decisions based on a child’s best interests. Under N.C.G.S. § 50-13.2, this includes considering all relevant factors, such as any acts of domestic violence between the parents, the child’s safety, and the parents’ safety.

Some of the most important factors that a court might use to pinpoint a child’s best interest’s and make a responsible custody decision include:

  • The parent’s living arrangements
  • The parent’s ability to care for the child
  • The child’s relationship with each parent
  • The ability and willingness of two parents to cooperate
  • The wishes of the child when they are sufficiently old enough to express those wishes
  • Any other factor affecting the well-being of the child

Another key purpose of mediation is to give parents the help they need to make an informed and responsible choice. The confidential setting of mediation helps parents resolve custody disputes in a largely stress-free environment. If you are considering mediation to handle your child custody dispute and you need assistance determining whether it would be beneficial, consider discussing this option with a knowledgeable lawyer in Charlotte.

Schedule a Consultation with a Charlotte Child Custody Attorney

Protecting your children and ensuring they have a safe, healthy environment will always be your top priority as a parent. If you have concerns about the parent’s other child or are worried about seeing your child as often as you should, contact a Charlotte child custody lawyer. Our skilled legal team could advise you on your parental rights and the best way to protect your children.

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