
Post Divorce Process in Charlotte

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Post Divorce Process in Charlotte

Moving on following a divorce can be emotionally challenging, but there are also some legal aspects to consider after you end your marriage. For instance, determining child custody, establishing child support orders, and learning what to do if your ex-spouse breaks the terms of a divorce are all crucial to protecting your future.

If you need help navigating the post-divorce process in Charlotte, do not hesitate to reach out to a dedicated lawyer. A skilled divorce attorney could assess the terms of your divorce, help you fight back against a breach of divorce terms, or assist with updating any relevant legal documents. En Español

What to Do After a Divorce

Since the divorce process involves asset distribution, establishing alimony, and determining post-separation support, there are not many things that need to be handled after a divorce is finalized. However, if you have children with your ex-spouse, you will need to address child support and custody. Establishing the right custody and child support plan for the situation is crucial, as it helps protect your child’s future. A knowledgeable lawyer in Charlotte understands the intricacies of child support or custody and could help you factor these agreements into the post-divorce process.

Updating Documents

Another important thing to consider after a divorce is updating any relevant estate planning documents or insurance policies. For instance, if you named your spouse as a beneficiary in a will, you might want to update the document to ensure your ex-partner does not inherit any unwanted assets. Similarly, you might want to update your life insurance policy so that your ex-spouse does not have the opportunity to collect a large payout. Our experienced legal team could help with updating any relevant documents after a divorce.

What Happens if an Ex-Spouse Breaks the Terms of a Divorce?

Another important part of the post-divorce process is taking action when an ex-partner breaks the terms of a divorce. There are many ways that a previous partner might breach a divorce agreement, especially when it comes to orders from the court. For instance, if a court orders that your ex-spouse needs to put the family home up for sale by April 1st and split the proceeds with you, they would breach their agreement if they do not accomplish this on time. Similarly, if your ex-partner was ordered to take their name off the title of a car and they fail to do this, they can likely be held accountable.

The process for reporting a breach of divorce terms changes depending on how an agreement was finalized. If the court ordered a specific action, like requiring your ex-partner to sell the family home, you could file for contempt of the court order if your ex-spouse does not follow through. Meanwhile, if an action like taking one’s name off the title of a car was agreed on during mediation, you could file a breach of contract action against your ex-partner. A tenacious attorney in Charlotte could help resolve post-divorce disputes by determining the best way to hold your-ex spouse accountable.

Contact Our Legal Team about the Post-Divorce Process in Charlotte

After you divorce from a spouse, you deserve someone to help you protect your rights and enforce the agreements you made. Fortunately, our legal team understands the post-divorce process in Charlotte and can help you keep your future on track.

Whether you need help updating estate planning documents, reporting a breach of the terms of a divorce, or establishing a child custody/support arrangement, our dedicated team members are here to empower you. Reach out today to schedule your initial consultation.

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