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It is no secret that the process of immigrating to the United States can take time. This wait can result from unavoidable factors like annual visa limits to avoidable delays like internal mistakes.
If you believe the amount of time you have spent waiting on a decision in your case is unreasonable, a skilled immigration attorney from our firm could help. There are steps that a Charlotte immigration delay lawyer could take to resolve these issues. Call today to begin working with a dedicated advocate.
It is natural to wonder why an immigration case is taking so long. As months stretch on without any response from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), it is easy to become concerned about the status of a visa application.
In some situations, long delays are the result of valid and unavoidable factors. In other cases, the amount of time that has lapsed without a response is not reasonable. An immigration delay attorney in Charlotte could provide answers under any of these circumstances.
The unfortunate reality is that USCIS is not immune to making mistakes. Each year, they deal with an enormous amount of paperwork. There are times when case files and documents are lost, misplaced, or forgotten about. Other factors like understaffing or administrative changes can also lead to slowdowns within the federal government.
One of the issues that is most likely to cause the immigration process to grind to a halt is the lack of necessary documentation. It is the duty of the applicant to provide the government with everything it requests, but federal agents do not always make those needs clear. Our team could help ensure all required documents are included in an application.
Every visa application is unique. While most of them include familiar fact patterns that USCIS employees are accustomed to, certain cases can be overly complex or novel. This can require the government to take additional time to determine how to proceed.
This situation is frustrating, but there are different options available for finding a resolution. Our attorneys in Charlotte could address an immigration delay in a number of ways.
The simplest—and often most effective—approach is to have an attorney make direct contact with the government to determine the cause of the holdup. When case files are lost or misplaced, contact from legal counsel is often enough to get them moving again. The same is true when more documents are needed. In cases where the applicant was unaware that they needed to provide more information, these issues are often quickly addressed.
Resolving serious delays is not always as simple as making a phone call. Applicants also have another tool available to them, known as the writ of mandamus. The writ of mandamus is a type of legal action designed to force the government to take immediate action. However, it is important to remember there is no guarantee this outcome will be favorable, only that the case is resolved one way or another.
There is no reason to wait as your immigration case drags on forever. With the right help, you might be able to secure a resolution in short order.
Let a Charlotte immigration delay lawyer answer your questions and evaluate your legal options. Call immediately to get started.
Charlotte Family & Divorce Lawyers and Immigration Attorneys