
Concord Visa Lawyer

A law firm you can rely on to empower you.

Many immigrants worldwide wish to come to the United States for various reasons, including having more opportunities, gainful employment, or a haven to leave unsafe living conditions behind. There is a wide range of permanent and temporary visa options for those wanting to visit for a while or begin the process of becoming a U.S. citizen.

Deciding which visa is suitable for your situation can be confusing, and completing the challenging process successfully is overwhelming for most. Working with an experienced and compassionate immigration attorney can provide you with the guidance you need to complete the process. Schedule a meeting with a Concord visa lawyer from Sussman Law Firm to get started.

Common Visa Options Available to Foreign Nationals

There are many visa options immigrants can apply for. Some of the most common types of visas include but are not limited to:

  • IR1 or CR1 visas for the spouse of a U.S. citizen
  • K-1 or Fiancé visa to enter the country and marry within 90 days
  • IR2, CR2, IR5, F1, F3, or F4 visas for family members of U.S. citizens
  • The H-2B visa for temporary or seasonal workers
  • The B-2 visa for tourism or vacations
  • The B-1 temporary business visitor visa for amateur or professional athletes

A Concord visa attorney could help you decide the best option for your unique situation and guide you through the complex process of applications and interviews.

The Humanitarian Visa and Determining Eligibility

Countries grant humanitarian visas to protect refugees from harm and persecution in their home countries. The United States federal government allows anyone worldwide to apply for a humanitarian visa.

However, that does not mean the process is straightforward or fast. While the legislation states that anyone is eligible to apply, there must be a valid cause for approval, and many do not receive authorization to enter the U.S. Our dedicated team understands the procedures and could help you navigate the system as the laws require.

The Potential Visa Application Timeline

The estimated timeframe for a visa is between three to five weeks. However, the application approval process depends on many factors, including the type of visa you seek, and can take up to four months or longer in some instances.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act

Federal laws prohibit companies from knowingly hiring immigrants without authorization to work in the United States. Therefore, obtaining a work visa or other forms of permanent residency status is crucial for those wishing to stay in the country and obtain gainful employment. The Act further requires other state agencies, such as community colleges and institutions, to verify individuals hold a visa or green card.

While the legislation presents challenges for immigrants wishing to remain in the U.S. to overcome, it also protects them from employers offering wages lower than the federal government allows or dangerous working conditions because of their legal status. It also provides options for obtaining legal status for qualifying individuals who complete the procedures. Our Concord visa attorneys can help those hoping to find work in the U.S. understand their options and legal rights.

Schedule a Consultation With a Concord Visa Attorney

The visa process is not easy, and there are many choices to make that will affect the process and the time it takes for approval. A hard-working Concord visa lawyer has extensive experience with the procedures and understands how the systems work.

We could provide sound legal guidance and help you complete the necessary applications and interviews while working to avoid unnecessary delays. Call soon to schedule a consultation when you need help obtaining a visa or have other immigration system questions.

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